Belong - Believe - Become
A sister is a woman of faith and prayer who:
† Lives a vow of poverty, sharing all things in common
† Lives by a vow of celibacy, loving all people universally, not making a commitment to one person in particular
† Lives by a vow of obedience, listing to God’s will through prayer and other people
† Lives and prays in community with others
A sister may be called to:
† Teach adults or children
† Provide the needy with health care or other human services
† Work in a parish
† Serve as a missionary in another country
† Serve wherever needs are the greatest
For more information on the Sisters of St. Joseph, please visit:
United by a common story and charism, we, Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada, form a Federation to empower one another in the passionate living of our charism of active and inclusive love.
Urged by God’s spirit, we collaborate with Sisters of St. Joseph globally and respond to the evolving reality of our world, bringing healing and hope to all creation.
For more information on the Federation, please visit