Belong - Believe - Become
Our Church, in her wisdom, has given us a remarkable feast of Christmas with a very simple and powerful message. The message carries throughout the year and all our life, even in the most challenging times. The message is what the earth could be like if all mankind could be people of good will all year long.
Jesus was humbly born into poverty, grew up among us in our humanity, felt pain, and anxiety, began his ministry, taught us in word and true example, gave his life for us and rose from the dead to give us hope.
The Giving Tree Campaign is a small, but significant way for us to “Action” Christ’s mission bringing joy, comfort, and hope, to sisters and brothers who need, by Christ’s example.
St. Patrick’s Parish will continue to provide spiritual and material assistance for parishioners in need. Registration for those seeking assistance will be online.
Potential registrants, should be from the St. Patrick’s Parish boundaries. Working with the generousity of parishioner, those seeking assistance are asked to also reach out to other organizations or parishes in their neighborhood.